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Best Time of the Year to Get your Roof Replaced?!

Most contractors and roof installation pros will say that fall is the optimal time for roof installation for a few reasons. The weather has cooled after summer and tends to be quite consistent, allowing workers to have longer and more productive days. At Three Ridges Roofing.. We know its all about the customers homes and the products ability to adhere.

Spring (March, April, May)

The gradually warming weather begins the race to complete your home improvement to-do list. If you experienced any roofing issues through the winter, you likely have replacing your roof at the top of the list.

Springtime is a great time to get anew roof on your home! Many professionals would say spring is the the second best season to replace your roof due to a few reasons:

  • Open schedule

  • Lower humidity

Roofing companies aren’t slam packed yet as typically business is a slower in the winter, so they’d be able to get you in sooner rather than later. This is a big task you’d be able to check off your to-do list and allow you to enjoy your summer, worry free!

The weather is much better than winter as we start having more sun and less snow. The spring months are typical lower in humidity than summer which lessens the possibility of moisture damaging the roof during the replacement.

Cons of Spring Roof Replacement

While you could get on the roofing crew’s schedule a little sooner, weather does tend to be wetter, especially in south central Pennsylvania. This could cause your project to be pushed back slightly due to rain. However with Three Ridges, this delay only tends to be a day or two depending on if other projects were also moved due to weather.

Summer (June, July, August)

The sun is shining, the days are long, and the weather is hot! Summer is the most popular season to replace your roof thanks to the highest likelihood of clear skies. Summer is a good season to replace your roof because:

The earlier in the summer, the better. This is when humidity is going to be lower, the weather isn’t going to be quite as unbearable for roofing crews, and the extreme summer storms haven’t hit yet. If you install the roof earlier, you could even save some money in the long run with being more energy efficient in the long run!

In the summer, the sun produces an abundant amount of heat for the tar strip on the back of asphalt shingles to activate and adhere. This can help prevent any future fly offs or leaking!

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